Friday, November 8, 2013

Feeling Pretty Nifty, thanks to you guys!


Well, it seems as though my new book is doing exceptionally well.  I have to say that I'm extremely happy to be ranked #65 on the Hot 100 list for Satire and Humor.  If I were a liar I'd say that I'm not surprised; but since I'm honest I have to say that I peed a little when I saw it.

It looks as though I am ranked higher than Mr. Kurt Vonnegut, poor fella.  If he gets upset about it, I'm going to blame all my fans for being so damn awesome.  You should all be expecting a phone call from his agent, especially now that I've picked up some momentum.

I couldn't have done ANY of this shit without you guys; or without J Darroll Hall, these Newport cigarettes, and my chocolate milk.  I want to take this time to thank you all; and to encourage you to keep kicking major ass.  It's difficult for a new author to gain notoriety as a serious writer, especially with so many seasoned and talent authors on the market.  Regardless it looks like we're making it happen; so consider yourselves bad-asses because you all have impeccable taste.

Let's take our seatbelts off and switch it into 5th gear.  Maybe then we will be able to read a Vonnegut blog about how he wishes he would write like Tiffany Grandstaff.  Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?

Anyway, I saw this the morning and it made me smile from ear-to-ear.  I don't think today could get much better; but we should all be willing to try.  Go ahead, make my day!

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