Saturday, November 16, 2013

Recent studies have found that the average person stays around me for about two years.
There has never been a day in my life where I wasn't left wondering what it was about me that made people bounce, until recently.  I used to think it was a character flaw of mine; but, after doing everything right and still seeing the same outcome, I have put that belief to rest.  No, it seems as though I am simply a stepping stone for the weak. 
People are drawn to me for reasons beyond my comprehension.  I get confused here, mostly because the Rule of Mirrors states that we attract what we are.  Perhaps that means that I am ultimately weak inside, needing some sort of confirmation of my existence through helping others; but don't we all need that at the end of the day?  I suppose that's not the worst thing I could do.
However, there are other rules which I think play a huge role in how everything eventually goes down in my social life.  Aside from Murphy's Law, which seems to stick to me like boogers on a doorknob, I am subject to several preeminent policies, the likes of which I was not familiar with until I took the time to think about them.  My dad understood this, perhaps because he dealt with the same thing at some point.  He would call me a muse; and I never quite grasped how true that was.
People cling to me because I exude an innate strength, what my mother calls "an old soul."  The Rule of Mirrors does not apply here, or at the very least it becomes secondary.  I only get to attract like-minded people when I am not swarmed by lost souls, which has always been a cross I had to bear.  It seems as though I simply become the answer to mysterious questions that people don't even know they are asking.  At least I can do something right.

Eh, I don't feel much like writing right now.  I'll do it later . . .

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